
Visitandine of Vovoi - Soft and sugar cake

I'm discovering new cakes with Vovoi !

This cake uses eggwhites, really soft, tender, almost fluffy ! It has a thin sugar crust
Almost no flour, it's mostly eggwhites and sugar, we love it with our coffees.

You can make it in pie pans, financier pans, cakepans, as you want !

 For 1 eggwhite - 2 muffins or 3 to 4 financiers
1 oz of sugar (30gr), 0.5 oz of flourg (15gr) and 0.6 oz of butter (18g)

For 1 pie pan
   You will need :   
0.6 cup of sugar (5.3 oz / 150gr)
0.6 cup of flour (2.6 oz / 75gr)
3.1 oz of slowly melted butter (90g)
5 eggwhites

Turn the oven on at 300°F
Keep the eggwhites in the fridge with a hint of salt,
Slowly melt the butter in a casserole, without almost heating it up (low heat)
Beat your eggwhites until stiff, set aside.
Stir sugar and flour,
add carefully the eggwhites to that dry mix
- cut and rise the spatula -
Add the butter, mix it slowly and carefully

- before and after adding the butter -

Pour in the buttered piepan or in your molds
- buttered even if silicone -

Put in the oven, change the temperature to 360°F 
Let it cook 25 to 45 minutes depending on your molds  
Let it cool down 10 minutes in the turned off oven
- for me it was 30 minutes, then 10 more minutes in the turned off oven
 it was in a silicone mold, it has to be as gold on the edges as on the top -

Bon appetite :)

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