A savory sweet to bring for a snack or a lunch break, it goes great with greens, salad etc...
I took that recipe from "Delectation culinaire"'s blog
Réalisation I had never tried a savory muffins... well, it's exactly like a sweet one !
Easy, quick and you can adapt the recipe according to your tastes.
The longest part is to chop the goat cheese and remove the tomato seeds, but that's optionnal.
I had a little problem with the original recipe, I had to put one more egg in the mix. You may have the same issue as me.
Dégustation Texture is really light and fluffy :) Absolutely delicious and with a lot of flavours.
Conclusion This recipe could be a cake instead of a muffin, but a muffin shap is cuter, right ?
À venir : more savory muffins ! ;)
For 6 to 8 savory muffins
You will need :
1/2cup flour (5,3oz/150gr)
1/2cup of chopped goat cheese (5,3oz/150gr)
1 big tomato
- or too small ones -
2tsp baking powder
- 1,5tsp double acting baking powder -
1 large egg
- or 2 smalls -
1/4 cup milk (2,7oz/8cL)
1/6 cup olive oil (2oz/6cL)
+1tsp herbes de provence mix
Preheat the oven at 375°F
Drop the tomato 30 seconds in boiling water, and 30 secondes in cold water.
Dry, peel and cut the tomato in half. Remove the seeds and the stem.
Cut it in dice, reserve.
\\ Tomato seeds will glue themself on your intestin's, avoid eating them :) //
Chopp the goat cheese in a bowl
\\ The easiest way to do it is an a bowl //
Préparer la pâte
Stir flour with baking powder, tomato and herbs.
In another bowl, stir by hand milk, oil and egg(s).
Mix well, then add the flour-mix in 4 times.
Stir in by hand the goat cheese.
Fill your muffin tins
Cook 12 to 15 minutes,
Let it cool before turn out !